Passer Sidc supports Atsipūtę team: sport brings together and motivates staff
Passer Sidc understands the importance of promoting physical activity, as it has positive effects on both physical and emotional health. The company has been supporting Atsipūtę team, a part of which consists of the Passer Sidc employees, for some time now. The team has already gained many victories, while its endless enthusiasm continues encouraging our colleagues to be active and support the team before the upcoming competition. Meet Simas Rindeikis, Passer Sidc Director and one of the team members, to find out more about Atsipūtę team, the competitions and achievements.
– How many people make up Atsipūtę team? How many of them work at Passer Sidc?
The team now consists of 12 people. Of course, we are also bringing up the younger generation of athletes. Five members of our team: Aleksandras, Simas, Aivaras, Arnoldas, Karolis and Karolis Jr work at Passer Sidc.
– What competitions do you participate in? What kind of sports do you play?
The team has already successfully participated in CrossFit, running, OCR, Spartan Race, team rowing, kayaking, triathlon, kickboxing, MTB cycling, and wakeboarding, kiteboarding. So these are the sports athletes of the team are engaged in. All team members are enthusiasts of different sports.
– What was the most memorable competition you took part in?
One of the most difficult competitions was the obstacle course of Spartan Race taking place two years ago: it was a 3-hour run in mountains, overcoming various obstacles from the start to the finish. After the race, our team members won tickets to the World Cup to take place this year (it was scheduled to take place last year but was postponed due to the pandemic).
Another competition that is very important for our team took place three weeks ago: it was a boat rowing competition, and we won 3rd place. It is gratifying that we are winning an increasingly higher position in this competition for the fourth year in a row. About 40 teams compete in this boat rowing event every year.
One more very interesting event, in which three of our athletes (Paulius, Arnoldas and I) are taking part this year, is the Lithuanian Fitness Challenge. Last year, having won 2nd place, Paulius stood on the winner’s podium there, while Arnold was the 16th of the 150 most capable athletes of the country.
Most recently, Martynas Danius, our youngest team member, participated in the kickboxing tournament in Estonia and brought home the winner’s cup – we are very proud of him.
And Gediminas Simutis, our runner, is right on the top of his sports career: no matter what competitions he participates in (OCR or running with obstacles), he brings the first place medal from everywhere.
This weekend our team participated in the RED BULL 211 competition, where we took 11th place from 100 teams. The start was not easy: our kayakers were not ready for a difficult track. The kayak during the competition sank, the team members floated for 30 minutes (don’t worry, they are just fine). On the contrary, other team members performed really well. MTB cyclist Markas finished fourth on the track. In the running match, our “Barzda” surprised everyone – in the last 300 m section he was the 3rd, but he managed to snatch the victory and finish first. The running track was about 10 km and it was quite difficult, participants had to run on sand dunes. This RED BULL 211 competition was new to us, but in the next year we will know very well how we have to prepare to win it.
– Atsipūtę team successfully participate in various competitions but it is not solely sports achievements that is important to you. What is the mission of your team?
We do our best to motivate both young people and older people to play sports! Although the hair of some of us is already touched with grey (smiling), we want to show that there are no limits to exercising and achieving great results. The pride of our team is Aleksandras, who, being in his 50s, successfully does sports with the whole team and participates in triathlon competitions.
– Atsipūtę and Passer Sidc – what are the similarities in the outlook of these two organisations?
As in sports, so in business: motivated and strong people never give up. We encourage and support each other not only in sports but also in work and life in general. Teamwork and achievements motivate us to go even further. We’re glad Passer Sidc supports Atsipūtę team.